
Wednesday 20 March,2024

Improved Bending Section Assembly

by LASC Team | Number of views:445

We are excited to introduce our New Version of the Bending Section Sub-Assembly (BSA). This new version features our newly upgraded Bending Mesh, which significantly increases flexibility over the previous version, making the BSA's angulation even smoother and easier, providing a more user-friendly experience and enhancing overall angulation performance. 

Our mindset at LASC has always been to continuously develop and optimize in order to provide our clients with the highest quality replacement parts. Our aim is not just to match OEM standards but to surpass them. Additionally, we focus on maintaining the consistency of quality and managing/reducing production costs through standardized processes and procedures.
The current stage of the BSA certainly wouldn't have been possible without the close collaboration we've had with Agiliti. Over the past few months, we've taken feedback from your team and input from some of our large international clients to further upgrade our mesh. This improvement builds on our existing foundation to enhance the overall angulation performance of the BSA. This is why maintaining close communication with our clients has always been so crucial.

Below is for more direct comparison and to visually demonstrate the improved performance of our new BSA version.

LASC New vs Old BSA.jpg    

By holding both the new and old BSA side by side in the air and comparing their natural vertical droop, you'll see that the new one is more flexible (less restriction from the mesh) and therefore, hangs lower.

LASC New BSA.gif

By securing both the new and old BSA on the table and then pulling the corresponding cable in the same direction with the same finger (applying the same amount of force) and the same time, you can see that in terms of angulation, the new one better achieves a "U" shape. Additionally, under the same force applied, the new BSA can reach a greater degree of angulation more easily.

In this repair industry, a universally acknowledged direction, besides quality, is the in-field performance of the scope, especially the “Bending” and “Angulation” during a user's operation. 

"Bending" largely pertains to the flexibility of the Insertion Tube, while "Angulation" involves the flexibility of the BSABending Rubber, and internal components like the Biopsy Channel

Therefore, if we increase the flexibility of these three parts in the angulation aspect would significantly improve the operation for users, which in turn brings greater value & benefits to our clients and even the industry as a whole.
This is why we have achieved notable improvements in flexibility, whether developing and upgrading our New Biopsy Channel or the Thin-Wall version of Bending Rubber

So, this time, it's BSA's turn to be upgraded. 


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